The NMNEC statewide common curriculum was approved in 2012 and implemented in two schools in 2014. Currently (2020), the common pre-licensure RN curriculum has been implemented in twelve schools in sixteen locations bringing stability and quality to the nursing workforce supply.

Degree Options in the NMNEC Curriculum
| ADN at a community college
| BSN at a university
| Co-Enrolled ADN – BSN at a community college in partnership with a university. Universities and Community Colleges have built partnerships to enable co-enrolled students the opportunity to receive their ADN and BSN simultaneously upon graduation.
Additional Pathways
| LPN Pathway: New Mexico LPNs may enter the NMNEC ADN Curriculum in term two after meeting defined criteria.
| Pathway: ADN-prepared NMNEC RNs may continue their education and pursue their BSN with participating New Mexico RN-to-BSN online programs without duplication of coursework.
| Access and opportunity to enroll in a pre-licensure ADN or BSN program is available in all four quadrants of the state.
| Students who receive their nursing degree “close to home” most often secure employment in their home communities
| Significant tuition savings (average of 50%) for co-enrolled ADN-BSN students receiving their BSN education at a community college in partnership with a university
| Employers have a great sense of the preparation of NMNEC graduates throughout the state

This is a concept-based curriculum producing nurses who are patient-centered, who think critically, and are able to recognize the needs of patients. A conceptually-based curriculum promotes students’ understanding and application of health/illness, participant attribute, and professional nursing concepts in the provision of nursing care.
NMNEC Graduate Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the NMNEC Program, the student will:
- Engage in professional nursing practice that is patient-centered and culturally appropriate for individuals, families, and communities.
- Integrate principles of quality improvement and safety into nursing practice within healthcare organizations and systems.
- Deliver nursing care that is evidence-based.
- Demonstrate leadership behaviors through the application of policies that apply to healthcare delivery.
- Engage in effective interprofessional collaboration in the delivery of healthcare for quality patient outcomes.
- Utilize technologies for the management of information and in the delivery of patient care.
(Reaffirmed by the NMNEC Leadership Council 03.11.2021)